Russ Laman is a 24 year old photographer and filmmaker. He has worked for the BBC, Natgeo, and Cornell Lab on photography and filmmaking expeditions to all 7 continents. He recently graduated from Boston University with a dual degree in marine science and conservation biology, interests which now lead him to pursue a career combining his passions for field biology, photography, and marine conservation. He hopes that by capturing the natural world through photography and video, he can be a vessel for change. His filming credits include BBC’s “Seven World’s, One Planet”, BBC’s “The Mating Game”, and “Person of the Forest” a multiple award winning short film. Russell’s photography has garnered multiple international awards from the time he was 10, including three winning images in the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year competition. He is currently doing research through a grant from the Explorers Club as a Stephenson Explorers Fellow, analyzing the success of coral reef restoration in Raja Ampat, Indonesia and working to improve coral reef health into the future.

Wildlife Photographer of the Year Awards